December, Month of Unlikely Couples

Personally, I've never been in a real loving couple before. I have always wanted to be with someone who would tell me that they would love me and mean it. Love is hard to come by in today's Era and it seems like we're all looking for it, and for happiness.
No two snowflakes are alike, but they're all drops of crystalline water that reflected the sun's light rays from outer space. That's like everyone, reflecting the sun's warmth, but for a drop of water to become a crystal it absorbs some of the sun's light, the atmosphere, and combines it with the particles inside that drop of water. Maybe that's why we all want love and happiness so much.
What about the hungry caterpillar that goes into their chrysalis cocoon and then moment after moment vibrates continuously, making just a little warmth so that it can become a beautiful butterfly?! That's like the constant vibrations and signals we send out daily so that we, people, can find love and happiness in this life.
Everyday everyone has the chance to meet someone new. Even someone who might want to fall in love with you. A snowflake or a caterpillar would never try to find love because they have one goal, to be beautiful. People want beauty in life but they pass up the beautiful relationships that are formed every single day, to keep looking for beauty. This December, find an unlikely love, a person, place, or thing that makes you feel warmth and beauty. It is unlikely that you'll ever get this time back in the future and your now Beautiful Self!
~Merry Christmas!~

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